Since the world trade center disaster people have been in a state of shock and fear. Wondering if  if it will ever be safe to climb aboard a super airliner again. Then just as things are settling down. Another crash. Ironicly in New York. Queens at that! So far there has been no report of fowl play involved. 247 passengers and 9 crew men perish in the crash. All bridges closed and emergency crews responded immeditly. On vetrans day... Will it never end. But this is sure to throw the united states in another state of awarness. This is not a shock anymore. Its a reality.

So the question is, Is it safe to fly? Well, they say it is the safest travel in the world. But with all of the resint events and tragedys. It is hard not to wonder if when you step on that plane. Will it be your last steps. Well for now it seems that nowhere is safe. Even if it is just an accident. So be careful my friends. we are all tredding on thin ice.

:written by Rabid Racing